I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're looking for an intelligent answers and rather then writing a statement you

17 Aug 2022, 03:01
I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're looking for an intelligent answers and rather then writing a statement you asked some questions. Only One thing you wrote is FUD and that is "what I am writing is no FUD but plain truth" As it isn't plain truth, it is your oppion. Very different things. But Lets break it down. 1. Was/is the Kasta app built with funds from the token sale? 2. As a holder of the kasta token should I hope that it brings a profit? 3. Why is the Kasta app not completed immediatly or on a certain date? 4. Is anything happening with the project, I feel it is at a standstill? 5. Why is there no marketing, or what is the marketing activity being done? 6. Are you concered that 10K people have left the telegram channel? Q1 = Yes one of the reasons crypto companies sell tokens is to pay for activies related to their business. As Kasta is an application you can expect that funds have gone towards development. Q2 = This is not financial advise, whenever I buy into something I expect a return. I have a sensible timeline of when this would happen based on my own research on the team, the industry and education related to tech companies. For example, most tech companies take years before returning a profit and if I have bought shares I expect to need to hold onto them for some time before seeing an upside. The Kasta token is not a security and you cant expect a dividend or a buyback from an exit event. Therefore, this really comes back to you and what you expected from your Kasta tokens. It seems you are disappointed and expected something to have happened in this short space of time, (I think that is not a sensible perspective) so maybe take it a learning for next time. If you're not into something for the long hurl, maybe early projects like us dont meet what you are looking for and that is fine. There is a sea of opportunities out there. Q3 = An app is never finished, unless it is shut down. Apps always have updates that contain itterations of features and new features. We are at the start of our journey still and in this phase it is important to start getting users even with a limited number of features avalible. We are a new company with a new product, things are slow to start always but with time we mature and things happen faster. I would encourage you to read some of the start up books, Zero to One is a good place to start. Once you have read this or a couple of other titles we can discuss our choices with more depth Q4 = Yes, lots is happening with the project. If you are in this channel or on twitter you will see an increase in people with the application or needing support (again another area we are working to improve). We have done multiple videos on the rollout. If you have the application you will be seeing updates on the stores. All of this happens thanks to the work of the team. Q5 = There is marketing activity being done and I sat through a video recently to talk about this. I went through the goals of our activity and the KPIs we will measure against. Did you watch this? Q6 = I am not concerned, it is expected. A lot of people joined our community just to talk about the token and not the application. As we went from just having the token in market to the application those who only wanted the token left. We also blocked a bunch of people who would present us with wild conspriacy theories and unhelpful FUD (Legitamate critismn or questions are fine). We want a group of people interested in our application, keen to hear updates and help us improve. Not people constantly asking "When Moon" or asking questions we cant answer like those related to price.